Pro-Life 101
Your 6-week course will renew your dedication to protecting unborn life, and equip you to engage with a pro-abortion culture and show compassion to those at risk for abortion. Each 15-minute session, delivered directly to your inbox, features knowledge learned from Care Net’s nearly 50 years of serving women and men at over 1,200 affiliated pregnancy centers across North America.
Caring For Those Considering Abortion
We want to equip you to be confident in your ability to help someone choose life. This nine-week course will teach you how to understand the mindset of a woman or man considering abortion so you can communicate truth to them with grace and compassion – raising your pro-life EQ (emotional intelligence).
Defending Your
Pro-Life Beliefs
We want to equip you with facts and knowledge so that you can effectively respond to pro-choice arguments.
To do this, we created a free online course called, Defending Your Pro-Life Beliefs. This 5-week course will give you confidence to defend your beliefs and address the most common views presented by abortion advocates.
Making Life Disciples
Our national survey found that 2/5 women who have abortions were attending church at least once a month or more at the time of their abortion.
This course will give you practical ways to reach out to people in your area struggling during challenging times, equipping you and your church in gospel-centered ministry.
Talking to Pro-Choice Christians
This 4-week mini-course will help you use Biblical principal and overlooked parts of Scripture to help Christians who consider themselves pro-choice see how our faith is undeniably on the side of life.